Herz-Jesu Kirche in Stuehlinger.
The neo-gothic villa that now houses the museum at the Columbi Park.
Johannis Kirche
INside Der Kaiser Backerie and Cafe at Leopoldring.
Martins Tor in the city centre.
KG1, the main university building.
Across for the Zoology building.
On Kaiser Josef Strasse going into the city centre.
A house in Wollbach.
In Stuehlinger, sitting in Cafe Satz.
A part of a house in Stuehlinger.
Across from the zoology building.
Emmendingen, a town near Freiburg.
Sketching in Freiburg and a few places nearby. Pen, watercolour, markers, in various sketchbooks. Done in 2018 to 2019.